Quick overview#


HybridUrb is a python package to build and run simplified 1D models for urban flood nowcasting using hybrid method proposed by Li & Willems (2022). HybridUrb is a package under development. The current version only support using the package to run a pre-calibrated HybridUrb model in nowcast mode.


Install HybridUrb#

For now HybridUrb only support developer install in Developer install.

To check if the installation was successful by running the command below. This returns the available arguments for HybridUrb.

$ conda activate hybridurb-dev
$ python -m hybridurb.runners.main --help

>>  Usage: python -m hybridurb.runners.main [OPTIONS] ROOT_DIR

      --mode TEXT  Mode of the run: hindcast (not implemented), nowcast
      --t0 TEXT    T0 of the run (%Y%m%d%H%M)
      --name TEXT  name of the model.
      --crs TEXT   crs of the model. If not specified, use EPSG:4326
      --fews       Run within FEWS. Include exporting MayLayerFiles for Delft-
                   FEWS. If True, support input format: [t0]_catchemnts.nc. If False,
                   support input format: [t0]_ens*.csv
      --help       Show this message and exit.

Build a model#

Not yet implemented.

Run a model#

Run the Antwerp model in nowcast mode using nowcasts produced at 201605300900:

$ python -m hybridurb.runners.main .\examples\Antwerp\option1 --mode nowcast --t0 201605300900

Run a model in Delft-FEWS#

Run a model in Delft-FEWS context involves running also the pre- and post-adaptor (example not enclosed):

$ python -m hybridurb.runners.main .\examples\Antwerp\option1 --mode nowcast --t0 201605300900 --fews