Use cases#

Operational rainfall and flood nowcasting for the city of Antwerp#

A pilot study of using the hybrid model in operational flood nowcasting has been carried out by M. Radema ( in 2023. This project encompasses a pilot study regarding the integration of a rainfall nowcasting algorithm (pysteps) and a short-term urban flood forecasting model (hybridurb) in the software package Delft-FEWS, working towards real-time high-resolution flood forecasts in an urban setting. Below is a snapshot showing the urban flood nowcasting system.

Antwerp model integrated in Delft-FEWS.

Urban drinage network analysis using graph-theory#

A pilot study of using the graph-theory network analysis module for bangkok has been carried out by X. Li ( in 2021. This project examines the flow path/diagram in the network and gains understanding of the network. Below is a plot shows that by aggregating the outlets’ and pumps’ upstream area, the drainage pattern in the system is identified as a tree diagram.

Representation of urban drainage network as tree diagram.